As you might have noticed, I haven't posted in a very long time.
On the 13th of January I became a mom to a beautiful baby boy. It has been a life changing experience, and it means that I no longer have the time or the desire to blog here. In many ways this is a wonderful thing, and I'm very happy.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to read and follow this blog. It's been a wonderful experience and I wish you all the best of luck.And before you ask! No, I don't think I'll be selling any of my stuff (though I'll probably give some away). It's just too much of a hassle.Hugs and kisses to you all <3
I consider myself very lucky. In between mixing mad cool batches of nail polish; mademoiselle Frankenpolish (if you don't read her blog, I'm afraid you suck) had time to do a custom purchase at Sephora for me!
I got the Tarina Tarantine brush set, a cheapo Sephora travel brush set that was on sale, a Tarina eyeshadow, a Cargo bronzer, and a Korres eyeshadow.
The Tarina Tarantino stuff sure has a lot of packaging. It's pretty extreme and I find it wasteful. The brushes are placed in multiple layers of plastic and cardboard, and they are housed in something I believe is supposed to look like a book with a mirror:
Who would want to keep their brushes in that? Not me. The brushes themselves are pretty tasteless (as expected). I like that aspect. I haven't tested them enough to say for sure, but I don't think they are anything special. Not really worth the price.
I'm not terribly excited about the Tarina eyeshadow either. It's a bit blah though the packaging is very cute. The Korres shadow is nice. Very metallic, and I always love Cargo bronzers.
I'm usually not much of a creme fan, but this is really a very good creme. Application is very smooth and not nasty-chalky like some cremes tend to be. The color is nice and bright. The picture almost makes it look coral, but it's a little more pink in real life.
I wanted to do an EOTD with my Clarins palette since I don't used it often. The reason I don't use it is that it sucks a little bit. I'm not crazy about the color combinations, and the pigmentation is just ok. It's very pretty to look at though. I combined it with a Clinique liner I also don't really like. It's very unpigmented.
Base: MAC paint pot in Fresco Rose Shadows: Clarins palette Liner: Clinique Cream Liner in Black Honey (aka teh suck) Mascara: Rimmel Sexy Curves