After one coat of this, I was afraid I had picked another Satan polish. It's was sheer and streaky and full of brushstrokes, but after three coats it was beautiful. It is frosty, so you have to be careful with your application, but it's also absolutely gorgeous.
4 months ago
Lovely color!
So pretty! I'll have to see my local drug store carries that color! Thanks for the warning about haw it applies at first and to not give up on it.Lol!
That's a nice, delicate lavender. I love Sinful's, even though most are at least 3-coaters!
This looks like a color that would not work for me but it looks so pretty on you...makes me want it anyway :-)
That is a lovely color!
I've been really into pale lavenders for pedis lately. After being sadly Sinful-free, I found a local Walgreen's has them. After I pay bills this week, I am going polish hunting. :)
Vanessa: It's so pretty and delicate :)
Velvet: Do check it out if you have the chance. I think it's one of the nicer Sinfuls.
Body and Soul: Yes, I think all of mine have been 3 coaters. They're so cheap though! I don't mind.
Amanda: Hush! It would totally work for you. It just doesn't have the kind of bling you require ;)
gio: It's very pretty.
tarotbydiana: That is cool that you can get them locally. They're really cheap too! Some of them are a little hard to work with, but often the final result is worth it :)
It is a pretty color. Looks so nice on. I have loads of Sinful Colors. I really like them and they have a nice color selection.
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